
Posts Tagged ‘Tauranga’

The Sky is the Limit

February 24th, 2010 3 comments

Hi there

A few weeks back my family and I were in Tauranga and had the opportunity to enjoy the airshow that was on. And WOW!! There was some truly amazing flying that week.

I have uploaded just a handful of photographs of the first day to my personal website (  Click here to go straight to the Events page.

Tauranga Airshow – Day One

Tauranga Airshow

I was with my family on the first day and so didn’t take that many “public” photos. However, the second day I went alone and took many more that may be of interest to you. So be sure to come back again later as I will be uploading photographs taken on the second shortly.

As always, I look forward to hearing your feedback on the photographs, and any suggestions or comments you may have on the website. Thanks.

All the best
